Checking Your 401K - How Often is Too Often?

Join Cristina Perez, a financial planner at Bayntree Wealth Advisors, as she walks you through when and why you should look at your 401K balance.

Cristina points out a few important points you need to remember when it comes to your 401K account.

  • Remember your 401K is a long-term investment, checking can often lead to anxiety and is not a true representation of your investment over the long run.
  • A 401K is designed to use the power of time and compounding interest.
  • The money in your 401K is being placed aside for your retirement. Checking it now could lead you to make decisions you might regret or cause worry that is unnecessary.

Watch the video to learn more!

To discuss any questions you may have, please contact us at (480) 494-2750 or click here to schedule a 15-minute call.

401(k) Education